Configuration Overview

Table Of Contents

As the example site shown, we use Configuration Directory to maintain easier organization and environment specific settings, it is especially useful on multilingual sites.

Site Configuration

The site configuration is located in config/_default/config.toml by default.

Name Type Default Description
title String - Site title.
baseURL String - Site base URL.
copyright String - Site copyright. The {year} placeholder will be replaced with this year.
defaultContentLanguage String en
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir Boolean false
paginate Integer 10
paginatePath String page
enableRobotsTXT Boolean true
disqusShortname String - Disqus shortname.
googleAnalytics String - Google Analytics.
social Object - Social Links .
author Object - Author Widget .

See also All Configuration Settings .

Site Parameters

The site parameters are located in config/_default/params.toml by default.

Name Type Default Description
mainSections Array ["posts"] Main sections
titleCase Boolean false Capitalized title or not
titleSeparator String - Title separator
comment Boolean true Whether to enable comments
toc Boolean true Whether to enable TOC
tocWordCount Integer 280 TOC is displayed only if the post’s word count is greater than this value.
breadcrumb Boolean true Whether to enable breadcrumb
dateFormat String Jan 2, 2006 Date format. Checkout the Hugo Date and Time Templating Reference for details.
poweredBy Boolean true Whether to show powered by.
readingTime Boolean true Whether to display the reading time.
postDate Boolean true Whether to display the post date in the post meta section.
math Boolean false Whether to enable math globally.
diagram Boolean false Whether to enable diagram globally.
logo String/Boolean images/logo.webp Logo image. Disable logo by setting it to false.
brand String - Brand text.
description String - Site description.
keywords String - Site keywords.
color String - Color mode, light, dark or dynamic. Default to dynamic.
palette String - Default palette. This will take effect after clearing the Cookie.
palettes Array ALL Available palettes. You can disable it by setting it to empty [].
featuredPostCount Integer/Boolean 5 The number of featured posts shown in sidebar. Turn off by setting it to false.
recentPostCount Integer/Boolean 5 The number of recent posts shown in sidebar. Turn off by setting it to false.
relatedPostCount Integer/Boolean 5 The number of related posts. Turn off by setting it to false.
categoryCount Integer/Boolean 10 The number of categories shown in sidebar. Turn off by setting it to false.
tagCount Integer/Boolean 10 The number of tags shown in sidebar. Turn off by setting it to false.
seriesCount Integer 10 The number of series shown in sidebar.
taxonomyPaginate Integer 10
taxonomyPostCount Integer 3 The number of posts of taxonomy. Turn off by setting it to false.
fullWidth Boolean false Full width.
fixedHeader Boolean true Turn on/off fixed header.
reward Object - Reward Widget , AKA Buy Me a Coffee Widget.
share Object - Share buttons
share.addThis String - AddThis ’s pubid.
fontSize Object Font Sizes Comment or remove this parameter to disable font size switcher.
fontSize.small String .9rem Small font size.
fontSize.extraSmall String .8rem Extra small font size.
fontSize.large String 1.1rem Large font size.
fontSize.extraLarge String 1.2rem Extra large font size.
socialShare Boolean true Turn on/off built-on social share button.
searchBar Boolean true Turn on/off built-on search bar.
archive Object - Archive .
search Object - Search .
Webmaster Site Verification
siteVerification Object - String - Google String - Bing String - Baidu
siteVerification.baiduUnion String - Baidu Union String - Qihoo 360
siteVerification.sogou String - Sogou
siteVerification.shenma String - Shenma
analytics Object - Analytics configuration. String - Baidu Analytics.
googleAdsense String - Google Adsense.
customCSS Array - See also custom assets .
customJS Array - See also custom assets .
utterances Object - Utterances configuration.
Creative Commons License
creativeCommons Object - Boolean true Credit must be given to you, the creator. Boolean true Only noncommercial use of your work is permitted.
creativeCommons.nd Boolean true No derivatives or adaptations of your work are permitted. Boolean true Adaptations must be shared under the same terms.
Code Block
codeBlock Object -
codeBlock.maxLines Integer 7
codeBlock.lineNos Boolean true true/false represents that show/hide the line numbers by default.
post Object -
post.excerpt String Summary Options: description
post.excerptMaxLength Integer 320
viewer Boolean true Image Viewer
pwa Object - Progressive Web Apps
Meta Tag
metaRobots String - Empty means that turn it off.
contact Object - Contact Form
pinnedPost Boolean true Turn on/off pinned posts.
pinnedPostCount Integer 1 The number of pinned posts.

Except the Google webmaster tool, the other webmaster tools cannot work with hugo --minify, because they cannot recognize the minified meta tag.

Page Parameters

Page parameters are located in page’s Front Matter .

Name Type Default Description
description String - Page description.
keywords Array - Page keywords.
comment Boolean true Whether to enable comments. It won’t work if comment has been disabled globally.
toc Boolean true Whether to enable TOC. It won’t work if toc has been disabled globally.
math Boolean false Whether to enable math.
diagram Boolean false Whether to enable diagram.
reward Boolean true Whether to enable reward.
breadcrumb Boolean true Whether to enable breadcrumb.
readingTime Boolean true Whether to display the reading time.
postDate Boolean true Whether to display the post date in the post meta section.
Creative Commons License
creativeCommons Object - Boolean true Credit must be given to you, the creator. Boolean true Only noncommercial use of your work is permitted.
creativeCommons.nd Boolean true No derivatives or adaptations of your work are permitted. Boolean true Adaptations must be shared under the same terms.
Meta Tag
metaRobots String - Empty means that turn it off.
pinned Boolean false Pinning posts.


