MUR040 工作溝通寫作流程四階段





  1. 今天是2022年第38天, 全年第6週, 二月的第1個週一. 今天來思考寫作流程的四階段:準備, 研究, 草稿, 編輯.

  2. 今天的素材主要來自文章:

過程一: 準備 (Preparing)

準備: 等同備料, 把文本切成好處理的格式.
Prepare: to make something or somebody ready to be used or to do something; to make yourself ready to do something or for something that you expect to happen.

工序一: 認知寫作目的(Knowing purpose for writing)

溝通: 一般目的&特定目的:

  • 所有的溝通,包括寫文件,都涉及關於反饋信息的一般目的和特定目的。

一般目的(General purpose):

  • 一般目的: 溝通的結果目標(the end-goal of communication).
  • 例如: 告知、說服、激勵、娛樂或將這些和其他效果結合起來。

特定目的(Specific purpose):

  • 具體目的: 取決於手頭的情況( depends on the situation at hand)。
  • 例如: 留下書面紀錄.

工序二: 分析受眾 (Analyzing Audience)





工序三: 選擇恰當溝通渠道-媒體形式 (Selecting Appropriate Channels)


  • 1.個人交談與團體會議(In-Personal Conversation; Group Meeting)
    1. 信件(Email)
    1. 訊息(Instant/Text Message)
    1. 推特(Tweet)
    1. IG(Instagram)
    1. 文章, 論文, 部落格(Article, Essay, Blog)
    1. 信件 (Letter)
    1. 備忘錄 (Memo)
    1. 報告/簡報 (Report/Presentation)
    1. 傳真(Fax)
    1. 電話, 語音, 會議電話 (Phone, Voicemail, Conference Calls)
    1. 視訊會議 (Video Chat & Web Conference)

過程二: 研究 (Researching)

研究: 為了找到新事實與資訊仔細研讀主題.
Research: a careful study of a subject, especially in order to discover new facts or information about it; to study something carefully and try to discover new facts about it

工序一: 選擇研究方法 (Choosing a Research Methodology)

正式非正式, 一手創造二手應用

非正式研究(Informal Research):

  • 找資料, 用郵件回答問題, 無需正式引用. The research methodology where you look up information and deliver the goods in an email answering someone’s question without needing to formally cite your sources is informal research.

正式研究(Formal Research):

  • 正式研究, 以系統性方法, 文檔化文獻, 使讀者可以自行驗證資訊的可信度. Formal research, on the other hand, takes a more systematic approach and documents the sources of information compiled using a conventional citation and reference system designed to make it easy for the audience to check out your sources themselves to verify their credibility.

一手研究(Primary research):

  • 一手研究「產生新知識」,二手研究「應用新知識」. primary research generates new knowledge and secondary research applies it.
  • Secondary research is what most people—especially students—do when they have academic or professional tasks because it involves finding and using primary research.

非正式二手研究 (Informal secondary research):

  • The easiest, most common, and most expedient research, the kind that the vast majority of informative workplace communication involves, is informal secondary research.

工序二: 找尋可信資訊來源 (Locating Credible Sources)


  • 作者可性度 (Author credentials): If the author is identified by name and credentials, you can verify whether they are expert enough on the topic to be a credible authority.
  • 潮流(Currency): Depending on the topic, how recently the source was published can be a key indicator of credibility.
  • 作者意圖(Author objectivity): If the author argues entirely on one side of a debate on which experts disagree, be suspicious of the source’s credibility.
  • 同行審核 (Peer review): Any source that undergoes the peer-review process requires the author to make changes suggested by credentialed experts in the field called upon by the publisher. This process ensures that author errors are corrected before the text is published and hence improves both its quality and credibility.
  • 寫作品質(Writing quality): The quality of the writing is another indicator of credibility because it also suggests that the source underwent an editorial process to ensure quality and respectability.
  • 文獻(References): If a source identifies its sources and all of them meet the credibility standards outlined above, then you can be reasonably certain that the effort the source author made towards formal secondary research ensures their credibility.


  • 網站設計品質: A final indicator of credibility for online sources, similar to the writing-quality check discussed above, is the overall design quality of the website.

工序三: 收集來源以帶目的閱讀 (Collecting Sources by Reading with a Purpose)

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工序四: 文本處理三味-引用(Quoting), 轉譯(Paraphrasing), 總結(Summarizing)

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工序五: 文檔化文本來源 (Documenting Sources)

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過程三: 草稿 (Drafting)

草稿: 某事物的大概版本, 還為達到最終形式.
Draft: a rough written version of something that is not yet in its final form; to write the first rough version of something such as a letter, speech, book or law

工序一: 選擇組織模式 (Choosing an Organizational Pattern)

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工序二: 概述主要訊息 (Outline main Message)

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工序三: 形朔有效句子 (Forming Effective Sentences)

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工序四: 形朔有效段落 (Forming Effective Paragraphs)

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工序五: 標準商業模式 (Standard Business Style)

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工序六: 有效文件設計 (Effective Document Design)

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過程四: 編輯 (Editing)

編輯: 對文本修正錯誤, 改良, 使其能出版.
Edit: an act of making changes to text or data; to prepare a piece of writing, a book, etc. to be published by correcting the mistakes, making improvements to it, etc.

工序一: 實質修訂(Substantial Revisions)–評估(Evaluate), 重組(Reorganize), 增(Add), 剪(Trim)

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工序二: 語法校對 (Proofreading for Grammar)

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工序三: 標點符號校對 (Proofreading for Punctuation)

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工序四: 拼寫校對 (Proofreading for Spelling)

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工序五: 風格校對 (Proofreading for mechanics)

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本文章梳理寫作的四階段:準備, 研究, 草稿, 編輯. 每個階段分別有3,5,6,5共19道工序.

2022.02.07. 紫蕊 於 西拉法葉, 印第安納, 美國.

Version Date Summary
0.1 2022-02-07 把架構架起來, 之後慢慢補內容


